Faculty Council Representatives

As elected representatives, the Council serves as a liaison between faculty, standing committees, and college leadership, makes policy recommendations, and brings matters to the attention of the faculty for discussion during faculty assemblies. Faculty can contact the council directly or through this website.

Each year, the Faculty Council selects an Associate Chair who is designated to become the Chair of the Council the following year and the Co-Chair of the Administrative Council the year after that.

2024-2025 Academic Year

Chair of Faculty Council: Sergei Tevosian

Name Department Email
Daniel R Brown Daniel R Brown Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology drbrown@ufl.edu
Sally Anne L DeNotta Sally Anne L DeNotta Large Animal Clinical Sciences s.denotta@ufl.edu
Audrey A Kelleman Audrey A Kelleman Large Animal Clinical Sciences akelleman@ufl.edu
Rosanna Marsella Rosanna Marsella Small Animal Clinical Sciences marsella@ufl.edu
Christopher J Martyniuk Christopher J Martyniuk Department of Physiological Sciences cmartyn@ufl.edu
Erin Miscioscia Erin Miscioscia Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine emiscioscia@ufl.edu
Marta Romano Marta Romano Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine marta.romano@ufl.edu
Andrew Specht Andrew Specht Small Animal Clinical Sciences spechta@ufl.edu
Sergei G Tevosian Sergei G Tevosian Department of Physiological Sciences stevosian@ufl.edu
Apichai Tuanyok Apichai Tuanyok Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology tuanyok@ufl.edu


The duties of the Faculty Council shall be to consider all matters presented from the faculty, standing committees, or the administration and to bring appropriate matters to the attention of the faculty for discussion during faculty assemblies. Faculty Council will consider all submitted matters and may provide feedback as appropriate. The Faculty Council will determine the manner of passage of resolutions by the Faculty at large. The Faculty Council will determine the requirements for passage and the mechanism for voting upon each resolution. This voting process will provide all eligible faculty the opportunity to cast a vote. Examples of potential methods include electronic voting, in person voting at the faculty assembly meetings, and ballot boxes. Other methods may also be identified. The Council will determine an appropriate length of time during which voting will occur based on the item being considered and the voting method selected. The Council will administer an annual Faculty Opinion Survey of College Administrators as detailed in the Standard Operating Procedure Faculty Opinion Survey of CVM Administrators (last updated on 9/6/2018) to provide feedback to CVM administrators and their supervisors.

Term Assignments

member term ends
Donald Bolser 2024
Daniel Brown 2026
Sally Anne L DeNotta 2026
Audrey A Kelleman 2026
Rosanna Marsella 2026
Christopher Martynuik 2027
Erin Miscioscia 2026
Marta Romano 2027
Andrew Specht 2025
Sergei Tevosian 2025
Apichai Tuanyok 2025


The Faculty Council shall consist of two members from each department. The term of Council membership will be for three years. When possible a tenure track and non-tenure track faculty member will be represented. New members will take office on July 1 of each year. Members shall be limited to two consecutive terms. The Dean, Associate Deans, Department Chairs, and Directors with college or hospital-wide administrative functions cannot serve on Faculty Council as regular members.


The Faculty Council Chair will set the agenda for each meeting but any Faculty Council member can request an agenda item be added for consideration. Only members of the Faculty Council have access to the floor during Council meetings, except when permission has been granted by consent of the Council Chair. The Dean (or his/her representative) may be invited by the Chair to appropriate Faculty Council meetings for the purpose of providing information on ongoing activities within the College and to provide guidance related to committee responsibilities. Other individuals may be invited to the Faculty Council meetings at the discretion of the Chair to provide relevant information to ongoing Faculty Council matters. Administrative members serve in ex-officio, non-voting, capacity. Proxies are not allowed for any votes cast because the Faculty Council falls under the Florida Sunshine Laws. Consensus on issues and decisions can be reached through circulation of emails between members.