Faculty members for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.
Some committees have additional student, staff, and ex-officio members. See SharePoint for full committee lists.
Chair: Ashley Allen-Durrance
Associate Chair: Amanda House
Name | Department | ||
Jose I Aguirre | Department of Physiological Sciences | aguirrej@ufl.edu | |
Ashley E Allen-Durrance | College of Veterinary Medicine Dean’s Office | aeallen@ufl.edu | |
Anje G Bauck | Large Animal Clinical Sciences | baucka@ufl.edu | |
Michael V Bowie | College of Veterinary Medicine Dean’s Office | mbowie@ufl.edu | |
Ludovica Chiavaccini | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | lchiavaccini@ufl.edu | |
David E Freeman | Large Animal Clinical Sciences | freemand@ufl.edu | |
Lawrence N Garcia | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | garciln@ufl.edu | |
Simone Guerios | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | sdguerios@ufl.edu | |
Darryl J Heard | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | heardd@ufl.edu | |
Amanda M House | Large Animal Clinical Sciences | housea@ufl.edu | |
Richard Johnson | MD-NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY | rdjohnso@ufl.edu | |
Stanley E Kim | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | stankim@ufl.edu | |
Alice C Y Lee | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | alice.lee@vetmed.ufl.edu | |
Martha Mallicote | Large Animal Clinical Sciences | mallicotem@ufl.edu | |
Wendy W Mandese | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | wmandese@ufl.edu | |
Elizabeth A Maxwell | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | emaxwell@ufl.edu | |
Ayalew Mergia | Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology | mergiaa@ufl.edu | |
Erin Miscioscia | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | emiscioscia@ufl.edu | |
Cuong Nguyen | Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology | nguyenc@ufl.edu | |
Luisito S Pablo | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | pablochi@ufl.edu | |
Diego A Portela | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | dportela@ufl.edu | |
Brittany Southern | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | bsouthern@ufl.edu | |
Adam W Stern | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | adamstern@ufl.edu | |
Jim Wellehan | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | wellehanj@ufl.edu |
The admissions committee is a standing combined faculty and administrative committee with responsibility to evaluate applicants for eligibility for admission to the CVM professional curriculum.
The Associate Dean for Academics and Student Affairs (or equivalent or designate) shall serve as Chair. A minimum of twenty-six faculty members consisting of representation from each Phase (I, II, and III) of the professional DVM curriculum will constitute this committee. Additional members may be invited by the Chair including professional DVM students, faculty members from the Florida Universities, the State veterinarian, alumni council members, and Florida Veterinary Medical Association members.
The admissions committee shall recommend the students to be admitted or readmitted to the professional degree (DVM) curriculum. The committee shall meet as necessary during the admissions cycle. All records of meetings and deliberations shall be filed in the office of the Associate Dean for Academics and Student Affairs and all materials used for evaluation must be kept in strictest confidence. An annual report to the faculty assembly shall include only statistical data and no applicant information will be publicly provided.