Faculty members for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.
Some committees have additional student, staff, and ex-officio members. See SharePoint for full committee lists.
Chair: Lisa Farina
Name | Department | ||
Christopher A Adin | College of Veterinary Medicine Dean’s Office | adinc@ufl.edu |
Michael V Bowie | College of Veterinary Medicine Dean’s Office | mbowie@ufl.edu |
Lisa L Farina | Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine | farinal@ufl.edu |
Gabriel A Garcia | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | gabrielagarcia@ufl.edu |
Amanda M House | Large Animal Clinical Sciences | housea@ufl.edu |
Audrey A Kelleman | Large Animal Clinical Sciences | akelleman@ufl.edu |
Chris Sanchez | Large Animal Clinical Sciences | sanchezl@ufl.edu |
Carl J Southern | Small Animal Clinical Sciences | southernc@ufl.edu |
Leah D Stuchal | Department of Physiological Sciences | lstuchal@ufl.edu |
*Luisa Catalina Cabrera Rocha, affiliated with Large Animal Clinical Sciences, lcabrerarocha@ufl.edu
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is a standing committee that shall develop and maintain an effective ongoing educational program designed to foster and ensure a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive environment for all individuals both within and outside of the UF CVM. We must be intentional in creating a strong sense of community and inclusion within and surrounding our college. The functions of the committee are to meet at least quarterly to: a. assess CVM efforts focused on diversity and make recommendations for development to meet the diverse needs of the College’s faculty, house officers, staff, and students. b. assess and/or develop recruitment and retention policies and practices to enhance diversity. c. plan programs highlighting CVM’s commitment to diversity, such as speeches, presentations, exhibits, campus events, and pipeline initiatives. d. participate in diversity programming as available and encourage broad CVM participation. e. publicize diversity efforts through the use of collateral material, such as posters, banners, and bookmarks and maintain a Web presence. f. develop an Annual Action Plan in collaboration with CVM Administration. g. review and approve the Annual Report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the CVM to be shared at Faculty Assembly and the Annual Address to the College by the Dean.
The committee shall consist of the Diversity Officer and three college administrators (represented by Department chairs, Co-chairs, Assistant or Associate Deans) as Ex officio members (appointed by the Dean), five faculty members (ideally one nominated by the Department Chair from each department in the CVM), four staff members from the CVM (nominated by the Administrative Council), three staff members from the UF Veterinary Hospitals (nominated by the Hospital Management Council), a graduate student representative [nominated by the Veterinary Graduate Student Association (VGSA)], a house officer representative (nominated by the House Officers), and three DVM student representatives [nominated by the Veterinary Alliance for Leadership, Inclusion, and Diversity (VALID)]. In addition, voluntary representatives from the faculty, house officers, staff, and students can participate as non-voting members. The chair will be a faculty member and serve a 3-year term. The faculty and staff will serve a 3-year staggered term and the students and house officers will serve a 1-year term.
a. The committee will meet as needed, but at a minimum on a quarterly basis to perform the duties. Meetings can be called by any member of the committee. b. The committee shall develop an annual report of the diversity, equity and inclusion activities of the college and make recommendations to the Dean. c. Reports and minutes regarding all business will be forwarded to the administration and placed electronically on the SharePoint site.