Research Committee

Faculty members for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.
Some committees have additional student, staff, and ex-officio members. See SharePoint for full committee lists. At the beginning of each year, the committee selects an Associate Chair who is designated to become the Chair of the committee the following year.

Chair: Chris Martyniuk
Associate Chair: TBD

Name Department Email
Andrew B Allison Andrew B Allison Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine
Judit Bertran Trepat Judit Bertran Trepat Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Rafael S Bisinotto Rafael S Bisinotto Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Paul W Davenport Paul W Davenport Department of Physiological Sciences
Aria Eshraghi Aria Eshraghi Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology
Autumn N Harris Autumn N Harris Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Ramiro Isaza Ramiro Isaza Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Christopher J Martyniuk Christopher J Martyniuk Department of Physiological Sciences
David W Pascual David W Pascual Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology
Sergei G Tevosian Sergei G Tevosian Department of Physiological Sciences
Heather D S Walden Heather D S Walden Department of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine
Liang Zhou Liang Zhou Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology


The research committee is a standing regular faculty committee that shall consider matters appropriate to the promotion of quality research programs within the college. The functions of the committee are (1) to serve as an advisory group to faculty, the associate Dean for research, and to the Dean on matters relating to the administration of college research policies, (2) to promote interdisciplinary faculty research conferences within the University of Florida, (3) to evaluate applications for competitive grants from college funds, and (4) to evaluate nominations for competitive research awards.


The committee shall consist of a Chair, appointed annually by the membership, and 10 regular faculty (including the Chair) representing all college departments. An Associate Chair will be elected at the start of the year who advances to the Chair position in the following year to assure adequate preparation and orderly progression to committee Chair responsibilities. The Associate Chair will serve as the acting Chair in the absence of the Chair. The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate studies, or designee, will serve ex-officio. Non-voting ad hoc committee members may be nominated by the committee Chair or the associate Dean for research and approved by vote of the committee as needed.


The committee shall perform annual assessment of available research infrastructure including adequacy of laboratory facilities, animal facilities, and core facilities and create recommendations for revisions, deletions, and/or additions to current research infrastructure and forward same to the Dean, associate Deans and faculty. Minutes regarding grant review applications will reflect statistical information only and will also be forwarded to the administration and placed electronically for public access. Minutes regarding all other business will be forwarded to the administration and placed electronically for public access.